Since the dawn of humanity, an estimated 100.8 billion people have lived and died, a number that increases by about 0.8% of the world's population each year. What happens to all of those people's bodies after they die and will the planet eventually run out of burial space? When a person's heart stops beating, the body passes through several stages it begins decomposing. Within minutes after death, the blood begins settling in the lower most parts of the body. Usually eight to twelve hours later, the skin in those areas is discolored by livor mortis, or post moterm stain. And while at the moment of death the body's muscles relax completely in a condition called primary flaccidity, they stiffen about two six hours later in what's known as rigor mortis. This suffering spreads through the muscles, and its speed can be affected by age, gender and the surrounding environment. The body also changes temperature, usually cooling off to match its environment. Next comes de...